Consent to Proxy Access to GP Online Services

To apply for proxy access to online services from the practice, please submit this form, however, we also require proof of identity e.g. passport or driving licence and a birth certificate if under the age of 12.

Information about online services.

You must be registered with this practice to submit this form. 

Consent to Proxy Access to GP Online Services

The Patient

(This is the person whose records are being accessed)

All responses we send will go to this email address.
Please confirm the following: *

I give permission to my GP practice to give the people listed in Section 3 proxy access to the online services as indicated below in Section 2.

I reserve the right to reverse any decision I make in granting proxy access at any time.

I understand the risks of allowing someone else to have access to my health records.

I have read and understood the important information tab regarding online services.

Details of access required

I (the patient) consent for the representative to have access to:

I (the representative) request to have access to:

Please tick proxy access required:

The Representatives

(These are the people seeking proxy access to the patient's online records, appointments or repeat prescription)

I/we wish to have online access to the services ticked above in Section 2 for the patient named in Section 1.

I/we understand my/our responsibility for safeguarding sensitive medical information and I/we understand and agree with each of the following statements: *

Representative 1
Representative 2
Please upload the patient and the representatives ID. This must be a photo of your head and shoulders, holding your ID. Please ensure we can clearly see your ID in your photo. If the patient is under the age of 12, please submit a photo of the birth certificate.
Maximum upload size: 67.11MB